You are here: POS Terminal Settings > POS Settings

POS Settings

This tab will focus on the advanced settings of the POS Terminal that affect Prices, Display and User Defined Options.



POS Screen Tabs

This section will set the Default tab to use when the POS Screen first opens.

You can choose which tabs you want available to each individual POS Terminal using the checkboxes.

Blank tabs are not in use.


Default Tabs for Sessions can be used to program the default tab to change as the day continues.

This can be useful if you have a Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner Tab.

Enter the time in the field in 24hr format.

Use the drop-down menu to select which tab is to be used at the time.



Price Level Mapping

This function allows you to assign a price level to be used in place of the price level that would ordinarily be selected.



User-Defined Options

This section is used to add custom features and functions that are not available in a standard Idealpos installation.

They are commonly used to allow or disable functions that for one reason or another cannot be programmed to work any other way.


These options are very important and can cause havoc without proper use and instruction.

It is recommended to only use them where you have been advised to do so.





This section will enable the customisation of the User Interface for the Terminal.



POS Screen Resolution/POS Screen Colour Theme


Select a resolution and Colour Theme (Standard or Light) for the POS Screen.

Selecting a resolution that is smaller than the Windows Screen Resolution will result in the POS Screen appearing in a window.

Selecting a resolution that is the same as the Windows Screen Resolution will result in the POS Screen occupying the entire screen.

Examples of the below resolutions and colour themes can be found within the POS Screen Resolution and Colour Theme page.

The supported POS Screen Resolutions are:



The supported POS Screen Colour Themes are:



Grid Font Size, Grid Row Height, Alternating Row Colour

The following options (Grid Font Size, Grid Row Height and Alternating Row Colour) will affect windows in Idealpos that use a grid to display a list.



Examples of windows in Idealpos that the above settings will affect include:



The below are a set of examples to demonstrate how the settings affect the Stock Items Grid (File > Stock Control > Stock Items).


Default Settings (Grid Font Size 8, Grid Row Height 500, Alternating Row Colour White):


Alternating Row Colour set to Very Light Grey:


Alternating Row Colour set to Light Grey:


Alternating Row Colour set to Grey: